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A. Adamenko, V. Novikov, V. Levchenko, V. Prokopenko, A. Shapoval, A. Pashchenko1, V. Petukhov, I. Shapoval.
Energy efficiency of the High-Current Diode under the
Blow-up Mode Evolution in the Anode. Results in Physics (2023)
R. Welch, V. Rose, V. Novikov, E. Weller, A. Esaulov, H. Miley
Dynamics of the super pinch electron beam and fusion energy perspective (2021)
S. Adamenko, A. Esaulov, B. Ulmen, V. Novikov, S. Ponomarev, A. Adamenko, V. Artyuh, A. Gurin, V. Prokopenko, V. Kolomiyets, V. Belous, K.-J. Kim, G. Miley, A. Bassuney, D. Novikov. Exploring new frontiers in the pulsed power laboratory: Recent progress. Results in Physics 5, 62–68 (2015)
S. Adamenko, V. Bolotov, V. Novikov, V. Yatsyshin. Control of multiscale systems with constraints. 4. Control of the evolution of nuclear systems on the basis of the principle of dynamical harmonization. Interdisciplinary Studies of Complex Systems, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Vol. 1, No. 3, 35–95 (2013)
S. Adamenko, V. Bolotov, V. Novikov. Control of multiscale systems with constraints. 3. Geometrodynamics of the evolution of systems with varying constraints. Interdisciplinary Studies of Complex Systems, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Vol. 1, No. 2, 60–125 (2013)
Vladimir I. Vysotskii, Stanislav V. Adamenko, Mykhaylo V. Vysotskyy. Acceleration of low energy nuclear reactions by formation of correlated states of interacting particles in dynamical systems. Annals of Nuclear Energy 62, 618–625 (2013)
Anatolii A. Gurin, Andrii S. Adamenko, Stanislav V. Adamenko, Mykola M. Kuzmenko. Proton- and -radiation of the Micro-Pinch with the Boron-Containing Target.
Czech Technical University in Prague. Acta Polytechnica 53(2):165–169 (2013)
S. Adamenko, V. Bolotov, V. Novikov. Control of multiscale systems with constraints. 2. Fractal nuclear isomers and clusters. Interdisciplinary Studies of Complex Systems, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Vol. 1, No. 1, 55–77 (2012)
S. Adamenko, V. Bolotov, V. Novikov. Control of multiscale systems with constraints. 1. Basic principles of the concept of evolution of systems with varying constraints. Interdisciplinary Studies of Complex Systems, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Vol. 1, No. 1, 33–54 (2012)
V. I. Vysotskii, S. V. Adamenko, M. V. Vysotskyy. The formation of correlated states and the increase in barrier transparency at a low particle energy in nonstationary systems with damping and fluctuations. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Volume 115, Issue 4, pp 551-566 (2012)
В.И.Высоцкий, С.В. Адаменко, М.В.Высоцкий. Подбарьерное взаимодействие каналируемых частиц при автомодельном возбуждении коррелированных состояний в периодически деформированном кристалле. Поверхность. Рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования 4, с. 88–93 (2012)
V. I. Vysotskii, M. V. Vysotskyy, S. V. Adamenko. Formation and application of correlated states in nonstationary systems at low energies of interacting particles. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Volume 114, Issue 2, pp 243-252 (2012)
В.И.Высоцкий, С.В. Адаменко, М.В.Высоцкий. Формирование и использование когерентных коррелированных состояний заряженных частиц в физике каналирования в кристаллах. Поверхность. Рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования 4, с. 105-112 (2010)
V. I. Vysotskii, S. V. Adamenko. Correlated states of interacting particles and problems of the Coulomb barrier transparency at low energies in nonstationary systems. Technical Physics, Volume 55, Issue 5, pp 613-621 (2010)
S. Adamenko, N. Bogolubov, V. Novikov, S. Kruchinin. Self-organization and nonequilibrium structures in the phase space, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Volume 22, Issue 13, pp. 2025-2045 (2008)
S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. Experimental observation and analysis of action of light magnetic monopoles on multilayer surfaces. Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Volume 33, no 1-2, 13 (2008)
Controlled Nucleosynthesis. Breakthroughs in Experiment and Theory, Series: Fundamental Theories of Physics , Vol. 156, Adamenko, Stanislav; Selleri, Franco; Merwe, Alwyn van der (Eds.), 780 p. (Springer, 2007).
S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. Investigation of light magnetic monopoles and observation of monopole nuclear catalysis. 8th Int. Workshop on Anomalous in Hydrogen/Deuterium Loaded Metals, 12-18 Oct., 2007, Italy, Catania, Book of abstracts, p. 14 (2007)
С. В. Адаменко, В. И. Высоцкий. Процессы нейтронизации и протонизации ядер в гравитирующих звездах и при ударном сжатии мишени в лабораторном электронно-ядерном коллапсе. International conference "Actual Problems of Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy", Kiev, Ukraine, 2006-05-29 – 2006-06-03 Abstracts, p. 136 (2006)
С. В. Адаменко, В. И. Высоцкий. Регистрация и механизм формирования частиц сверхвысокой энергии при ударном сжатии мишени. ХХXV1 Международ. конф. по физике взаимодействия заряженных.частиц с кристаллами, Тезисы докладов, МГУ, М., с.27 (2006)
С.В. Адаменко, В.И. Высоцкий. Успешная реализация полномасштабного коллапса твердотельной мишени и современные проблемы энергетики. Интеграл №7 (27) янв.-февр. стр. 32-35, 2006 г.
С.В. Адаменко, В.И. Высоцкий. Экспериментальное обнаружение и моделирование ориентационного движения гипотетических магнито-заряженных частиц на многослойной поверхности. Поверхность 3, 84-92 (2006)
S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. The conditions and realization of self-similar Coulomb collapse of condensed target and low-energy laboratory nucleosynthesis. 11th Int. Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, France, Marseilles (2004) Proceedings, p 505-520 (2006)
S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. Laboratory collapse of electron-nuclear plasma and full-range nucleosynthesis of stable usual and superheavy nuclei. Frontiers of Nonlinear Physics, Proceedings of International Conference, N.Novgorod, Russia, p.511-516 (2005)
S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. Experimental observation and a possible way to the create anomalous isotopes and stable superheavy nuclei via electron-nucleus collapse. 10th Int. Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, USA, Boston (2003) Proceedings, p. 493-508, World Scientific, Singapore (2005)
S. V. Adamenko and V. I. Vysotskii. Neutronization and protonization of nuclei: two possible ways of the evolution of astrophysical objects and the laboratory electron-nucleus collapse. FoPL 19, No.1, February, p. 21-36 (2006)
S.V. Adamenko, A.S. Adamenko, A.A. Gurin and Yu.M. Onishchuk. Track measurements of fast particle streams in pulsed discharge explosive plasma. Radiation Measurements 40, No.2-6, November, p. 486-489 Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids (2005)
С. В. Адаменко, В. Е. Новиков, А. В. Пащенко, И. Н. Шаповал. Нелинейные самосогласованные процессы с обострением, квазистационарные фрактальные плазменно-полевые структуры и концепция взаимосвязи макро- и микроскопических процессов в плотной плазме. Успехи современной радиоэлектроники 11, 55-65 (2005)
С.В. Адаменко, А.Е. Борзоковський, О.Ю. Горюнов та ін. Прискорення йонів
14N на циклотроні У-120. Перші результати. Збірник наукових праць Інституту ядерних досліджень №1 (14), с. 169-174 (2005)
С.В. Адаменко, В.И. Высоцкий. Проблема кулоновского коллапса электронно-ядерной системы в конденсированных мишенях. Поверхность. Рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования, №4, с.28-36 (2005)
S. V. Adamenko and V. I. Vysotskii. Evolution of Annular Self-controlled Electron–Nucleus Collapse in Condensed Targets. Foundations of Physics, Volume 34, Number 11. November 2004, pp. 1801 - 1831
А.С.Адаменко, С.В.Адаменко, Е.В.Буляк. Экспериментальные исследования возбуждения сходящейся волны плотности в цилиндрическом аноде сильноточного диода. ПЖТФ, 2005, том 31, выпуск 10, с. 24-29
S. V. Adamenko and V.I. Vysotskii. Mechanism of synthesis of superheavy nuclei via the process of controlled electron-nuclear collapse. Foundations of Physics Letters, Vol. 17 No. 3. June 2004, p. 203-233.

S. V. Adamenko, A. S. Adamenko, and V.I. Vysotskii. Full-Range Nucleosynthesis in the Laboratory. Stable Superheavy Elements: Experimental Results and Theoretical Descriptions. ISSUE 54, 2004. Infinite Energy. p. 1-8.

Adamenko S. Conception of the artificially initiated collapse of the substance and key results of the first stage of its experimental implementation. Preprint 2004, Kyiv, Academperiodica, p. 36.

S. V. Adamenko , A. S. Adamenko. Isotopic composition peculiarities in products of nucleosynthesis in extremely dense matter. Proceedings of Int. Symp. New Projects and Lines of Research in Nuclear Physics, 24–26 Oct. Messina, Italy, p. 33-44 (2002)

S. V. Adamenko , V.I. Vysotskii. Possible explanation of the anomalous localization effect of the nuclear reaction products stimulated by controlled collapse and the problem of stable superheavy nuclei. Proceedings of Int. Symp. New Projects and Lines of Research in Nuclear Physics, 24–26 Oct. Messina, Italy, p. 383-391 (2002)

S. V. Adamenko , A. A. Shvedov. Superheavy nuclei research. Proceedings of Int. Symp. New Projects and Lines of Research in Nuclear Physics, 24–26 Oct. Messina, Italy, p. 355-361 (2002)

S. V. Adamenko, A. S. Adamenko. Analysis of laboratory nucleosynthesis products.
S. V. Adamenko, A. S. Adamenko, I. A. Kossko, V. D. Kurochkin, V. V. Kovylyaev, S. S. Ponomarev, and A. V. Andreev. Estimation of the amount of the nuclear transformation products formed under explosion-induced compression of a substance to the superdense state.
S. V. Adamenko, A. S. Adamenko, and S. S. Ponomarev. Study of the composition of products of controlled nucleosynthesis by local Auger-electron spectroscopy.
S. V. Adamenko, A. S. Adamenko, A. V. Andreev, I. A. Kossko, S. S. Ponomarev, V. V. Kovylyaev, and A. N. Zakusilo. On the unidentifiable peaks in characteristic X-ray spectra.

С. В. Адаменко, А. В. Пащенко, И. Н. Шаповал, В. Е. Новиков. Процессы с обострением и дробление масштабов в плазменно-полевых структурах // ВОПРОСЫ АТОМНОЙ НАУКИ И ТЕХНИКИ, Серия: Плазменная электроника и новые методы ускорения, 2003, №4, с. 172-176.

С. Адаменко. Несиловий метод керованого нуклеосинтезу. Вісник НАН України, 2003, №2, с. 23–26.

С.В. Адаменко, П.А. Березняк, И.М. Михайловский, В.А. Стратиенко, Н.Г.Толмачев, А.С. Адаменко, Т.Н.Мазилова. Инициирование электрического вакуумного разряда ускоренными наночастицами // Письма в ЖТФ. 2001. т. 27. в. 16. с. 15-20

V. I. Vysotskii, S. V. Adamenko, V. A. Stratienko, N.G. Tolmachev. Creating and using of superdense micro-beams of subrelativistic electrons. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, V. 455, Issue: 1, November 21, 2000, pp. 123-127

S. Adamenko, E. Bulyak, V. Stratienko, N. Tolmachev. Limits of plasma focusing of high current electron beams. Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York,1999, p.3269

S. Adamenko, E. Bulyak, V. Stratienko, N. Tolmachev. Effect of auto-focusing of the electron beam in the relativistic vacuum diode. Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York,1999, p.3271

Адаменко С.В., Долгополов В.В., Кириченко Ю.В., Стратиенко В.А. Фокусировка скомпенсированного неоднородного пучка электронов. Радиофизика и электроника, Харьков, ИРЕ НАНУ, 1998, т.3, №1, стр.94-95.
Стратиенко В.А., Адаменко С.В. и др. Получение и использование плотных микропучков и вторичных излучений. ВАНТ, серия: Ядерно-физические исследования. 1997г., вып. 4-5(31,32), с. 163.
Stanislav V. Adamenko, Vladimir I. Vysotskii, The mechanism of creation of magnetic monopoles in strong magnetic field of laboratory system // Proceedings of 14th Intern. Conference on Condensed matter Nuclear Science and the 14th Intern. Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF14), Washington, Eds. David J.Nagel, Michael E. Melich, Rodney W. Johnson, Scott R. Chubb, Jed Rotwell; World Scientific , V.2, pp. 484-489 (2010)
S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. Surface Channeling of Magnetic-Charged Particles on Multilayer Surface // In the book "Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling", Proceedings of the 51st Workshop of the INFN Eloisatron Project, S.B. Dabagov and L. Palumbo, Eds., World Scientific, pp. 258-267 (2010)
S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii M. V. Vysotskyy. The Formation and Usage of Coherent Correlated Charged Particles States in the Physics of Channeling in Crystals // In the book "Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena - Channeling 2008", Proceedings of the 51st Workshop of the INFN Eloisatron Project, S.B. Dabagov and L. Palumbo, Eds., World Scientific, pp. 248-257 (2010)
Адаменко С.В., Новиков В.Е., Пащенко А.В., Петухов В.В., Шаповал И.Н. Динамика разлёта продуктов электровзрыва проводников в самосогласованном магнитном поле. Физика импульсных разрядов в конденсированных средах. Материалы Международной научной конференции, 17-21 августа 2009, Николаев, с. 42-44 (2009)
Адаменко С.В., Новиков В.Е., Пащенко А.В., Петухов В.В., Шаповал И.Н. Применение метода конечных элементов к моделированию больших деформаций диэлектрических конструктивных элементов. Импульсные процессы в механике сплошных сред. Материалы Международной научной конференции, 17-21 августа 2009, Николаев, с. 111-113 (2009)
S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. The conditions and realization of self-similar Coulomb collapse of condensed target and low-energy laboratory nucleosynthesis. 11th Int. Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, France, Marseilles 2004, Proceedings, p 505-520 (2006)
S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. Observation, investigation and modeling of the ordered motion of the hypothetical magnetic-charged particles on the multilayer surface and the problem of stimulated low-energy fusion. 12th Int. Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Japan, Nov 27–Dec 2, 2005, Proceedings, p. 356-366 (2006)
S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. Laboratory collapse of electron-nuclear plasma and full-range nucleosynthesis of stable usual and superheavy nuclei. Frontiers of Nonlinear Physics, Proceedings of International Conference, N.Novgorod, Russia, p.511-516 (2005)
S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. Experimental observation and a possible way to the create anomalous isotopes and stable superheavy nuclei via electron-nucleus collapse. 10th Int. Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, USA, Boston (2003) Proceedings, p. 493-508, World Scientific, Singapore (2005)
S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. Observation, investigation and modeling of the ordered motion of the hypothetical magnetic-charged particles on the multilayer surface and the problem of stimulated low-energy fusion. 12th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science , Japan, Nov 27 -Dec 2, 2005, Book of abstracts, p 5 (2005)
22nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR TRACKS IN SOLIDS Barcelona, Spain, 23-27 August 2004, Abstracts.
S.V. Adamenko, A.S. Adamenko, A.A. Gurin, Yu. M. Onishchuk.
GAMOW MEMORIAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. "Astrophysics and cosmology after Gamow - theory and observations". Abstracts. Odessa, August 8-14, 2004. S. V. Adamenko. Astrophysical phenomena in laboratory implosive nucleosynthesis in collapsing targets.
GAMOW MEMORIAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. "Astrophysics and cosmology after Gamow - theory and observations". Abstracts. Odessa, August 8-14, 2004. S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. Mechanism of nucleosynthesis of superheavy and by-passed nuclei upon the sequential tandem of gravitational and Coulomb collapses of massive stars.
S. V. Adamenko, V. E. Novikov, A. V. Paschenko, I. M. Shapoval. Excitation and Propagation of Nonlinear Waves of Volume Charge in Metall Conductors. EUROEM 2004, Euro Electromagnetics, 12-16 July, 2004, Magdeburg, Germany.
S. V. Adamenko, V. E. Novikov, A. V. Paschenko, I. M. Shapoval. Effects of Production of Electrodynamic Fractal Structures and Extreme Fields in Beam-Plasma Systems under Pulsed Beam Action. EUROEM 2004, Euro Electromagnetics, 12-16 July, 2004, Magdeburg, Germany.
International Conference. Frontiers of Nonlinear Physics. Nizhny Novgorod. Russia. July 5-12, 2004. S. Adamenko and V. Vysotsky. Laboratory collapse of electron-nuclear plasma and full-range nucleosynthesis of stable usual and superheavy nuclei.
Third International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications IFSA,
September 7-12, Monterey, California (2003) S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. Observed anomalous features of the nuclear reaction products stimulated by controlled electronic-nuclear collapse and the model of birth and evolution of stable superheavy nuclei.
Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion ICCF10,
August 24-29, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2003)
S. V. Adamenko, V. I. Vysotskii. Experimantal observation and Possible way of creation of anomalous isotopes and stable superheavy nuclei via process of electron-nuclear collapse.
VIII International Conference Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions,
June 17-21, Moscow, Russia (2003)
S. V. Adamenko. Isotopic and elemental composition analyses of the laboratory nucleosynthesis products.
Int. Symp. New Projects and Lines of Research in Nuclear Physics,
24–26 Oct. Messina, Italy (2002)
S. V. Adamenko , A. S. Adamenko. Isotopic composition peculiarities in products of nucleosynthesis in extremely dense matter.
S. V. Adamenko , V.I. Vysotskii. Possible explanation of the anomalous localization effect of the nuclear reaction products stimulated by controlled collapse and the problem of stable superheavy nuclei.
S. V. Adamenko , A. A. Shvedov. Superheavy nuclei research.
International Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC-2001),
Chicago, 18-22 June (2001)
V. I. Vysotskii, S. V. Adamenko, V. A. Stratienko. The problem of creation and application of focussing traveling electron micro-accelerator in gas jet by action an annular femtosecond laser pulse.
International Pulse Power Conference (PPPS-2001),
Laser Produced Plasmas 4.5 Session, Las Vegas, USA, 17-22 June (2001)
V. I. Vysotskii, S. V. Adamenko, V. A. Stratienko. Creation of traveling heating and inversion for x-ray laser in plasma jet by action of an annular pulse of femtasecond laser.
13th International Conference on High-power Particle Beams,
Nagaoka, Japan, June 25-30 (2000)
S. Adamenko, V. Dolgopolov, V. Stratienko, N. Tolmachev. Focalizing of high current electron beam by ion counter flux.
S. Adamenko, V. Dolgopolov, I. Paschenko, V. Stratienko, N. Tolmachev. Kinetics of transporting of high-current relativistic compensated electron beam.
Intern. Symposium on New Vision on Laser-Beam Interaction,
Tokyo, Japan, October 11-15 (1999)
V. I. Vysotskii, S. V. Adamenko, V. A. Stratienko, N.G. Tolmachev. Creating and using of superdense micro-beams of subrelativistic electrons.
Particle Accelerator Conference,
New York (1999)
S. Adamenko, E. Bulyak, V. Stratienko, N. Tolmachev. Limits of plasma focusing of high current electron beams.
S. Adamenko, E. Bulyak, V. Stratienko, N. Tolmachev. Effect of auto-focusing of the electron beam in the relativistic vacuum diode.